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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)


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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by pumkinhead Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:23 am

    Good Evening,

    I had a question or 2 about your lean mass cycle. I am currently on test
    cypionate, from my doc, 200mg every 2 weeks. So I guess I am correct in
    assuming I don't need any pct?? I'm on it for the duration.

    I would like to try the lean mass cycle or anything that you would think
    I am 54 years old, in very good health (aside from a moderate depression)
    which I finally am getting treatment for. Doc gave me paxil, seems to be helping.

    I'm 5'6" about 168, probably 11 or 12% bodyfat.
    I lift 3 x a week usually, I like to superset increasing the weight 10 lbs. for each set till I can only get 7-8 reps. I kind of hold back a little, going to failure, cause I don't want to break anything, I've had both my rotators repaired. One of those age related things. Just wore out, I guess.

    So I go more for volume, verus intensity, but this doesn't mean I ain't lifting hard, but would this be NOT good if I used steroids???

    I'd like to try gh, but I don't think I can afford it. I also noticed the
    notes say Anabol helps with a feeling of well being. That certainley
    couldn't hurt.

    btw, are you based in the states?

    I have tried deca, it helped my rotator cuff heal, big time.

    I would now like grow some muscle, now that I'm back in decent shape, and
    able to perform most lifts.

    Thanks for your time,


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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by Visions Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:57 am

    Hello,,, maybe I can help... I ve been on TRT for 4yrs...

    I would like to ask you a couple questions first...

    How long have you been on TRT? and how often does the Dr. tell you to take the shot... once every 2 weeks or 100mg every weeK?

    How long have you had mild depression... with the depression did or do you feel fatigued... more depressed and or fatiged before the TRT? Does your TRT keep you horny throughout-from shot to shot? Do you feel tired right before your next shot? I'll tell ya right now I think your dose may be too low for you.... I had mild depression... just lack of caring for anything... until I upped my dose from 200mg e2w to 150mg ew... then within a short time I started feeling good again... You may not need the Paxil and I hear that Paxil is hard to get off of...

    As for PCT... nope you won't need it... You never stop your TRT---it's much easier to keep your gains

    Steroids can give you mood swings so keep that in mind when you do your cycle...

    I personnally take a different approch than most guys... I don't want to get huge... just be in great shape

    I like to keep my Test level and Estrogen levels in the normal range and then add in a non aromatizing steroid like Tren,,,

    Sample cycle for me that works everytime so far is:
    150mg TRT ew
    50mg Tren eod---with this Dostinex is needed

    May seam like a low dose but it works well for me.... and keeps the negatives away... for me high doses of Test gives me high BP, low blood sugar, bloating, fat gain... all the negatives

    Of course diet is everything with each cycle but if you are looking for lean gains without alot of negative sides I would try something like the approch I take...

    Others will have other opinions... Let us know your goals and we'll work something out for you...

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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by pumkinhead Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:53 am

    thanks for the reply.

    I've been on trt for about 4 years also, I'd like to gain some lean mass, like you, I don't want to get huge, just be in great shape.

    My doc won't give me any more trt, just 200mg, every 2 weeks. At least I have a script, and I do it myself. I did get eRoids test, but it seems to blote me too.

    Funny you mention tren, I've been thinking about trying it, but is the dosnetix necessary?? Maybe the other tren that last longer?? So I don't have to inject so often.

    btw, have you tried the cream?
    I am tired for a lot of reasons, I have a really horrendus commute, have to work shifts every month, plus I'm not getting any younger. I'm tired, but I notice guys I work with who are half my age, are tired too, and I'm stronger than they are. More test doesn't make me less tired, the therapist said depression suck the energy out of you.

    I've been depressed for ages it seems, but when i was younger, I was more resilent, and exercise always made me feel better.

    What type of exercise routine do you do, and what about your experience when tren?

    Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by CHAPS Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:33 am

    If your HRT then you just go back to your normal HRT dose of test, since your 54 HGH would be very beneficial for you also. The HGH would help heal old injuries. I'd say use 500mg of test enthanate weekly along with 4iu's of hgh everyday and run this for 12 weeks or so with 50mg of proviron, then go back to your normal HRT dosage of test and if you can afford it stay on the HGH.

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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by Visions Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:28 am

    You say you have upped your dose of your TRT but you didn't say how often you took the shot... If you go by what the Dr. ususally tells you,,, you would take one shot every 2 weeks which is exactly the wrong approch... I followed my Dr advice when I first switched to shots.... I was on Androgel for 2yrs before the shots... and taking the shots once every 2 weeks made me bloat and get gyno... If you are taking shots once every 2 weeks then switch to 150mg every week... maybe a little less the first shot so you don't bloat. Next forget about getting the script from the Dr... buy Andropen 275 here at GenXXL... Why andropen 275... I have tried it all and andropen 275 works the best at making you feel good from shot to shot and keeps you horny everyday... I can't say that for Test E or C... it's the mini spikes in the release of the andropen that keeps it working from shot to shot... It is so cheap... you will only need to take a .5ml shot once a week... that will give you 40 shots out of that bottle... thats 40 weeks of TRT... It couldn't get any cheaper...

    Yes you will want Dostinex if you use Tren and maybe some blood pressure medication... I personnally think anyone that is going to use a steroid should be prepared for what may happen and high blood pressure is common and shouldn't be ignored and with Tren you can easily get prolactin gyno and high blood pressure... Prolactin gyno is very painful and will not only kill your cycle but will kill your sex drive quickly... Dostinex works great @ .5mg e4d and will prevent prolactin gyno and help keep you horny. It's a great drug with no negatives that I have noticed or have read that someone else has had with the drug...

    Since you already know you bloat up easy from just a small amount of test you know that if you were to follow others advice you would need drugs to fight the bloat and excess estrogen that will make it harder for you to keep the fat off and since you said a lean cycle you will want to avoid this if possible... and since you don't want to be huge and just want to be in great shape I think you should follow what I do... at least give it a try...

    I do my regular TRT dose plus a non aromatizing steroid and I adjust the dose of that steroid by how horny I am... if it kills my sex drive and I can't get it up I lower the dose... You can do more if you don't mind not being horny but I like to feel normal...

    150-200mg Andropen 275 ew
    50mg Tren Depot eod

    Yes even with Tren Depot you will want to do eod shots because if you do less shots they will be bigger and cause unwanted sides... Whats nice about using Tren Depot is not only does it work fast and great but if you have a unwanted side from it you can stop the shot and it will quickly clear up then with the next shot you can lower your dose until you get the dose that works for you... I say you can stay on this until you reach your goal since it's a very mild cycle... and you are already on TRT and shutdown has already happened years ago...

    You can use other non aromatizing steroids instead of Tren... EQ doesn't aromatize much,BD Mastabol ect... I personnally love Tren cause at a low dose it works great... also I love Primo but you will need a high dose to get what Tren will give you at a very low dose... I would say Primo @600mg and up ew to work well... I have never done 1000mg ew it but have read that 1000mg ew is increadable... I ve been thinking about doing that... but I hate to waste money when I already love Tren... You decide

    If you do the Tren start out with the 50mg eod for at least a few weeks before you bump it up and if you bump it try not to go too high or you may get unwanted sides quickly... Everyone has to experiment for what works for them... some can easily take 100mg ed... that would kill me... Take it slow and find out what works for you...

    Any more questions I am here to help...

    Oh yea since HGH was mentioned I will say I have used it and it did seam to make me feel good but I couldn't afford to use it for long... Prices have come way down since I tried it but I feel good now so I dont feel like I need it yet... It may help with depression...


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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by pumkinhead Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:15 am


    Thanks for the information, I think I'll try the tren. My script is for 200 mg every 2 weeks, I have tried more (400) every week, but it's like you said, I get kinda bloated, etc. It really doesn't help with my feelin tired/ fatigued.
    I never tried the gel. How would you compare your experience with injections to the test gel?

    If one takes HGH, and then stops, are natural hgh levels suppresed?

    btw, does dosnetix make you feel weird? I tried bromo, and I swear, I thought it was going to kill me!

    talk to you later,


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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by pumkinhead Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:48 am

    The andropen 275 is a great deal! I just noticed that it's 20ml.

    So it looks like Trenbolone Acetate (Trenabol) one vial would last 2 weeks.

    So how long is recommended? at least? I need to know how many to get.

    Aslo, I was looking around for the Dosnetex, it's REALLY expensive.

    Does it really enhance orgasms like the say??

    Might be worth it, then

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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by Visions Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:35 am

    I use Tren Depot but you can use Tren A... usually guys that use Tren A shoot everyday... I prefer eod shots... if you go with Tren A I would do .5ml ed to start out with to see how you react... it kicks in quickly... So if you used Tren A @.5ml a day it will last 20 days... Do the cycle as long as you feel good... 12-16weeks or longer if you like... I don't see a problem with doing this since it's a low dose and your natural Test and estrogens will be in the normal range the whole time... you may love Tren or you may hate it but at this dose it shouldn't have much negatives... you can up your dose after a few weeks if you don't have unwanted sides just take it slow and wait a while before you bump up the dose again ... If at any time you have unwanted sides... skip a couple doses then jump back in at a lower dose...

    Dostinex doesn't have the negative sides that bromo does... yep it does work to make you horny... it does me and I get really horny when I am on this same cycle using Tren...

    The only place I know right now to get Dostinex at a resonable price is PNP... the other place i used to get it from just all of a sudden stopped ...

    Keep in mind high blood pressure meds too.. you just never know if you will need them... having a blood red face and feeling hot is not pleasant or safe... I get some of my BP meds from my Dr but I purchase more online and it is expensive and a rip off... I take bisoprolol HCTZ @10/6.25 while on cycle... half that when off... at times i must take more when i notice my BP is up...

    Oh about the Andro Gel... it's expensive and to me doesn't seam to work as well and thats why I switched to the shot... I guess it depends on how well your skin absorbs the gel.... a friend of mine prefers the gel and worked for him... 2 pacs a day is what is needed... one pac doesn't do shit and that was what I was on one pac a day... what a waste.... I would save up pacs then put them on for the weekend and wouldn't feel shit... rarely ever made me horny... I will never go back to the gel...

    You still havn't said how often do you take your TRT shot... if you do what the Dr says and take one shot every 2 weeks it wont work as good... When you get the Andropen take one shot of .5ml every week...

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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by pumkinhead Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:29 am

    I usually take my test cyp every 2 weeks, as my doc perscribed it. But I have "eRoids" right now and I've been taking 200mg every week.

    I'll the the Adrophen. I tried Sus once before and it seemed like I felt it more than the cyp.

    I never tried the gel, I was thinking about trying it, but I'm forgetful. I think I'll stick with the shots. I won't see my doc for almost a year anyway. My psa was ok, but he said my prostrate had enlarged a bit. I forgot to ask him how he knew. I guess they have some way of measuring. Just another one of those things we have to look out for.

    My blood pressure is fine, but I'll keep an eye on it.

    thanks for the tip, I just ordered some Dostinex! Sheesh! Very reasonable, compared to the average on the net. Much appreciated. btw, it is NOT used iv, although it looks like you could????

    Now this would help my libido right away, from what I've read.

    Thanks again!

    Have a good night.

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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by Visions Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:03 pm

    Taking the shots every week will be much better... 200mg ew is a little high for TRT but will be fine with the cycle

    The dostinex you bought is an oral for sure... and its not suspended in water like it may still say on the site... the owner assured me it wasn't... i forget what it is but it's not water... water would be bad since it is moisture sensitive... anyway it's good....

    Glad I can help... keep us posted as you progress through your cycle...


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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by pumkinhead Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:13 am

    will do! thanks

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    Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy) Empty Re: Newbie Question About Lean Mass Cycle (From a Older Guy)

    Post by doctorwill Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:54 am

    One thing to remember is that not everyone has probelms with tren, so you might want to wait on the Dostinex until you have symptoms. You may be luck and never have to use it.

    Also, if you are on TRT, there really isn't any reason to not use larger dosages for a cycle - unless you are growing fine on the dosages that you are on (in which case only increase it as you need to). One way of thinking of this is that you are doing cycles of AAS, with a mild bridging cycle in between (when you go back to the normal TRT doses). Or, hell, you can just take what you want since you won't be off and don't need to worry about PST.

    Most folks try to make sure that they have as much Test as they do any other AAS that they are taking so it doesn't kill their sex drive. This is particularly true of tren and deca.

    My suggestion would be to toss in some deca (start at maybe 200 mg/wk), which will help with the shoulders. (Don't take Deca and Tren at the same time since they both hurt your sex drive.) If you can get a good deal on Anavar, it is great for the tendons.

    EQ is great, but I need about 600 mg a week and it can increase your BP.

    Remember, your BP and prostate are only a couple of the things you need to monitor. Have your cholesterol tested as AAS screws this up. You may want to get on Lipitor. AAS is more likely to kill you because of your cholesterol than your BP. Hell, I think that those three things (prostate, cholesterol level, BP) are really the main risks of taking AAS - and easy to ignore for years. BUt they are also easy to take care of with a couple of pills and some attention to diet.

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